Saturday, 20 August 2022

Software development and their types

If you are a non-techie looking to start your development journey or looking to hire a developer to complete your requirements, you need to have a basic idea of what software development is and its various types.

According to Yesweus software development company, software development is the process through which programmers create computer programs. The process, commonly known as the Software Development Life Cycle, consists of various phases that give a way for developing products that fulfill technical standards as well as user needs. Here are the different types of development:

software development company

       Frontend Development

Frontend developers interact with the interface which is visible to the user. They generally deal with the layout and design of the application.


       Backend Development

They deal with the “backend” part of the interface. They develop the core logic and functionality of the application.


       Web Development

It is the process of developing web applications. It encompasses both frontend and back end. These applications can be accessed using websites.


       Database Development

Database is what contains all the information regarding the users and application. A database developer is in charge of creating the database, altering and developing current or new applications, and ensuring that they meet the needs of users.


       Mobile Development

This deals with development of mobile applications. Usually the developers either specialize in iOS or Android based development, although cross platform development has been gaining steady traction recently.


       Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to cloud-based services, programs, and applications. That is, they may be viewed remotely from virtually any place as long as the user has an internet connection and a valid login. They have several advantages, including scalability.


       Security Engineering

Security software specialists work to ensure the safety of diverse technical systems. They must be well-versed on the technique, methods, tools, and patterns used by cybercriminals to hack software in order to aid in the prevention of such assaults.

Be sure to collaborate with Yesweus software development company in Mumbai to learn more about this topic.

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